About Us

The Founding Of
Sea Of Strengths Academy

We are educators who have worked with students in grades K-12. Through our work in public and charter schools, we have discovered that many bright students with learning disabilities were often not successful in school. Despite their best efforts, these students lacked the essential reading, math, and writing skills necessary to achieve their full potential.

Through research, classes, and training, we discovered that these students can achieve. The answer lies in proper assessment, research-backed academic interventions, and instructional intensity. In other words, delivering the right program for the student, at the proper level of intensity and using multi-sensory teaching approaches.

Based on experiences in the classroom, it was clear that students often did not get what they needed to succeed. Large classroom sizes and inflated caseloads for special education teachers and other professionals (Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and School Psychologists) were several of the factors that impeded student success.

This led to the founding of The Reading Station in June 2006. The goal of The Reading Station was to provide students with after school tutoring to build their academic skills. The focus was initially exclusively on reading, but has broadened to encompass math and writing skills as well.

The Reading Station has produced a number of success stories. As students gained academic skills, they also gained confidence and self-esteem. Students began to see themselves as successful, and able to achieve in school.

For many students, however, school remained a challenge. Even though their skills increased, their classmates did not stand still and wait for them to catch up. For these students, school continued to be a place of frustration and struggle. Several hours a week of tutoring was not enough to replace 30 hours a week at school. Based on these students, and the pleas of concerned parents, The Reading Station decided to develop a full day school program: The Sea Of Strengths Academy.

– John Hettler and Susan Stevens, Co-Founders of Sea Of Strengths Academy


Do you provide transportation for students?
No.  The Sea of Strengths Academy does not currently provide transportation services.  Parents must drop off and pick up students at the designated times. However,  your child may be eligible for transportation through Sarasota County Area Transit SCAT.  Please contact them directly. https://www.scgov.net/government/departments/scat-bus-service/accessibility-scat-plus

How are lunch and snacks provided?
Snacks and lunch are not provided. Students bring a bag lunch and snacks each day. These items should be kept in an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.  

Do students need to wear uniforms?
Yes. The uniform consists of navy blue and white polo shirts and khaki, dark blue pants or shorts, skirts, skorts. Navy blue or white sweaters and pullovers. No hoodies allowed. You can purchase these shirts at any retailer such as Walmart, Bealls or Amazon.

Is there Recess?

Yes, students have opportunities for daily physical activity.  We take a morning break during classes to allow students an opportunity for a movement break.  Students also participate in daily recess before or after lunch.

Is there any financial aid?
Yes. Sea Of Strengths Academy provides financial assistance to families who need help in affording tuition. To apply for financial aid, please visit TADS.com

Are there any scholarships available? Students in Florida may be eligible for the following Step Up For Students Scholarships: 

The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC), The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO), The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA), or The Hope Scholarship. For more information visit StepUpForStudents.org

Which students are appropriate for the Sea Of Strengths Academy?
Students in grades 1-12 who have been identified with learning disabilities, language impairment, ADHD, or are simply struggling in math or reading are the focus of our school. The Sea of Strengths Academy is not equipped for students with diagnosed behavior problems or below-average intellectual ability.  The Sea of Strengths Academy will review the IEP and student file prior to making enrollment decisions. 

Does The Sea Of Strengths Academy follow the public school calendar?
No, our calendar does vary slightly from public school.  A school calendar is provided to parents upon enrollment, and is available upon request for prospective students.

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Is Your Child Struggling
In Reading?
